Who's In Charge Here!?

One of my dearest and most liberated friends asked me to elaborate on what the Government is doing that would require a diversion of public attention, so here goes:

#1 The source of the problem is NOT the U.S. Government. I know this may shock some of you--especially my fans--but it is the truth; from an external point of view the source of the "evil agenda" is truly the financial system. Many of you may be unaware that the Federal Reserve, the institution that prints U.S. Currency, is a PRIVATE company. It lends the money it prints to the U.S. Government with interest. The government then owes the Federal Reserve more money than was printed, so the Fed simply prints more. This creates inflation; inflation is nothing more than the devaluing of the dollar due to the increased amount in circulation, lowering your buying power with each additional dollar bill in print. In other words, the Government can only pay its debt with more money printed by the debtor itself, creating a never-ending cycle with debt as its inherent principle. Your taxes truly go to paying the interest of this debt alone, nothing more. The rest of the "money" raised by the U.S. is debt owed to the Federal Reserve or foreign powers, so who really runs the government? The people who are in debt, or the people they owe the debt to?

#2 The TRUE source of the problem is YOU and ME. If you are not open to accepting this, then please skip the rest of this message until you're ready to look inside yourself. The Government and other institutions that seemingly control us derive their power from US ONLY. Buying into the false reality and illusions perpetuated by television, the internet, and the overall media limits the independent thoughts of a free-thinker, until his/her reality is simply a reflection of a belief-system born from what he/she is told. Our school system begins the manipulation by declaring schools-of-thought to be fact. This leads us to never question what we learn, never look up, and never see the overall system created for us, by us. The bottom line is that each one of us holds the keys to self-discovery and illumination within, though they can only be utilized when we are able to accept the concept that we know nothing. Unless you experience the truth yourself, it is not something that can be taught or learned. Truth is only accessible via experience, but we tend to let others tell us their ideas and accept them as fact. This perpetuates the false reality, and allows humans to be so easily controlled that the people in charge merely take an easy opportunity and capitalize on it for material gain.

So what's the answer to freedom? Freedom is the knowledge that you are an open-vessel that could experience anything at any given time. It is the knowledge that life is a mystery that unfolds before our eyes every moment, with every breathe; it's up to us to follow the flow, or else we will try to harness it and manipulate it to conform to our pre-learned ideas about truth, leaving us in the wind when its sudden shift uproots us from our beliefs. Truth is not stagnant; it is a perpetually evolving moment that is eternal in its change. Open your eyes and rise to fulfill your destiny, people. You are sunlight, so shine with truth of your being.