Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 2 by Drunvalo Melchizedek

The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 2 by Drunvalo Melchizedek comprises secret knowledge of pre-Egyptian yoga and sacred mathematics as delivered by Thoth, the ibis-headed Egyptian version of Hermes. According to legend, Thoth founded human culture, divulging language, writing, jurisprudence, government, and all systems of knowledge for civilization. Melchizedek claims to be a "walk-in", an extraterrestrial who came to earth during a near-death experience. According to the teachings, the ancient mystery schools were broken into "Right-eye," (left brain), and "Left-eye," (right brain) schools of Horus. Volume 2 comprises the ideas of the "Left-Eye of Horus," focusing on destroying the fear of death via intuition in order to transcend earthly desires. After 12 years, an adept seen as worthy would be placed in the sarcophagus within the Great Pyramid of Giza, and would travel for three days on the astral plane until obtaining Buddha-hood, or resurrection, much like Osiris.